RichCafe Consulting Inc.

Skye 24yo 1984/2008 'Undercover #2'

(51.9%, The Nectar Daily Drams, 82 Bts.)
Average Score: 86
Bottle Profile
TypeScotch Single Malts (Disclosed Distilleries)
BottlerThe Nectar
RangeDaily Dram
Brand NameSkye
Year Distilled1984
Year Bottled2008
Bottling NameUndercover #2
Alcohol By Volume51.9%
Average Score86

Maniac Ratings
Serge Valentin89
Johannes van den Heuvel78
Olivier Humbrecht87
Robert Karlsson87
Konstantin Grigoriadis85
Davin de Kergommeaux86
Ho-cheng Yao87
Peter Silver85
Krishna Nukala81
Luca Chichizola84
Pit Krause89

Retired Maniac Ratings
Bert Bruyneel85
Keith Wood89

Tasting Notes
Robert KarlssonStrong and clean. Malt and nice vanilla in balance. Tasty tasty. Quite excellent vanilla, then the malt. This one works really well on my palate. Simple but very enjoyable indeed.