RichCafe Consulting Inc.

Macallan 16yo 1991/2007

(58.6%, Wilson & Morgan, Refill Sherry, C#16501)
Average Score: 81
Bottle Profile
TypeScotch Single Malts (Disclosed Distilleries)
BottlerWilson & Morgan
Brand NameMacallan
Year Distilled1991
Year Bottled2007
Alcohol By Volume58.6%
Other DetailsWilson & Morgan, Refill Sherry
Cask Number#16501
Average Score81

Maniac Ratings
Luca Chichizola85
Oliver Klimek77

Tasting Notes
Oliver KlimekNose: Very pungent and spirity, even with water, grapes, a bit of toffee, not unlike brandy. - Palate: Caramel, nuts and toffee, much less fruity than on the nose. - Finish: Medium long with a slighlty fruity sweetness. - Overall: This whisky is not easy to handle. It needs much water until it becomes less spirity, and then the taste is diluted a bit too much for me.