Macduff 31yo 1969/2000
(50%, Douglas Laing OMC, 192 Bts.)
Average Score:
Bottle Profile |
Type | Scotch Single Malts (Disclosed Distilleries) |
Distillery | Macduff |
Bottler | Douglas Laing |
Range | Old Malt Cask |
Brand Name | Macduff |
Age | 31 |
Year Distilled | 1969 |
Year Bottled | 2000 |
Alcohol By Volume | 50% |
Other Details | Douglas Laing OMC |
Bottles | 192 |
Issued | 2000 |
Average Score | 73 |
Maniac Ratings |
Michel van Meersbergen | 80 |
Robert Karlsson | 65 |
Tasting Notes |
Robert Karlsson | A rather excellent nose greets you here. Round, delicately malty, perhaps slightly peaty, some bread, some flowery vanilla. All mixed together real well. Round is the word here. But. This whisky wins the "big surprise award of the century" for me. The taste is immensely and utterly soapy. Very extremely so and this was not at all evident in the nose. Very very strange. Unfortunately this whisky is undrinkable and I can only hope that the sample was contaminated but it was sourced from a very trustable source so it is unlikely. Fantastically unbalanced between nose and taste! Something to experience? Or not. |